Look out for this Game :FRAGILE ~さよなら月の廃墟~(Fragile: Farewell Ruins of the Moon)

While searching through random videos on youtube, I happened to come across a very interesting trailer for a game. This game is alreay out in Japan and I've learned that it will be making it's way to the States soon. Even so, let me introduce you to the Wii game titled, FRAGILE ~さよなら月の廃墟~orFragile: Farewell Ruins of the Moon

FRAGILE ~さよなら月の廃墟~looks to be a role-playing game for the Wii, and was released in Japan on January 22, 2009. The game will be making it's North America apperance in the winter of 2009!

Check out the Game Trailer. I'm really interested in this game, and luckily for myself I have access to a Wii ^^ (I plan on buying one for myself but right now I will use my cousins since they don't use it hardly at all). I think what draws me to this game is the beautiful music and the look.. it has a lot of mystery to it.. but see for yourself.

As for the story itself, The game takes place in Tokyo, but it seems it's more of a post-apocalyptic near future world. You play as the young boy Seto, who discovers that Even the cities have been left abandoned. He goes out searching for survivors like himself somewhere, and soon comes upon a rather mysterious girl sitting on a lurching steel frame, singing a beautiful tune... She runs away before he can get her name and so this boy sets out to find her once more and find out why the world is so empty.
*There are samples of songs from the OST at the end of this post*

I recently got the soundtrack for this game, and let me tell you, this one goes on my list of all time favorite game soundtracks. I have very few on this list as I am super picky. It doesn't beat out Fin Fantasy piano collections or the Xenogears OST but it is on the same list as those awesome soundtracks. Everything about this OST makes you think back to the game.. even if you have only sen the trailer!. Composed by 斉藤理詠,FRAGILE's OST is loaded with an assortment of haunting tunes and touching piano numbers. If you decide to get the game I highly suggest you buy the OST along with it.

Artist: 斉藤理詠

ALBUM: FRAGILE~さよなら月の廃墟~ オリジナルサウンドトラック PLUS

Genre: Game/OST

Date: 2009-5-27


Wii用ゲーム「FRAGILE~さよなら月の廃墟~」のサウンドトラック。幻想的な世界観に合ったBGMはユーザーからの高い評価と支持を得ており、多くのユーザーの要望に応えて満を持してのCD化リリース。またiTunes storeでは配信されていなかったゲームBGM6曲と、ゲーム本編キャラクター「レン」(CV:吉川未来)の歌う「つきのうた」も収録!さらにゲーム内では使用されなかった幻の曲も5曲入っており、ファンにはたまらない1枚となっています。


01. すべての人へ
02. ひとりぼっち
03. 幻のように
04. きれい
05. いやな気配
06. 害意ある思念
07. なんだろう
08. ごきげんよう
09. へんなの
10. 待ってよ!
11. わかりあえる
12. やくそく
13. さよなら
14. 手紙
15. すごい!
16. 排除
17. 拒絶
18. どうして?
19. 廃墟
20. 消去
21. ともだち
22. よかった

01. つきのうた
02. 銀の髪の女の子
03. ぼく以外の誰か
04. 話しかけてくれる
05. どうしたのさ
06. 悪意
07. 暗闇
08. 死んだもの
09. 風に吹かれて
10. ありがとう
11. 信じられるということ
12. 月といっしょに
13. 起動
14. 追跡
15. はなればなれ
16. 深淵
17. 計画
18. 邪魔
19. そばにいてくれる
20. おやすみ


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