Dear Life: Racist Black doll?

New Video from intro2the1 and her Dear LIfe series.

This time she tackles the subject of Racism. She discovered a doll that

"embodied all of the negative stereotypical cartoon characteristics of Black people that had been created by the US" Have a look at the video.

This is a picture that is posted on the youtube page as being close to what the doll looks like What are your thoughts?

I have been going over this though in my head, especially about saying something if I had seen something such as this doll. As a black person I would be quite offended, but I'm wondering if the meaning of such dolls are known. I feel that alot of this kind of thing can be out of ignorance more so than racism. Even so, things like this need to be researched if someone puts a doll like that into a store calling it a "black doll"


Sugar Shoulder said...

I agree. I think that store owners, merchandisers or anybody green-lighting this kind of product should really do their research into their products origin before they decide to stock them!

I recently wrote about the 'Black-Faced-Minstrel' type entertainers that are popular out here in Japan. I feel equally offended by them, yet once again we're supposed to accept 'ignorance' as a valid excuse.

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