

皆さん, 私はマリー(M-kat)です\(*^▽^*)ノ
よろしくお願いします! 私は最近に日本のブログが作りたいと思 ったと

Ok, so I hope my Japanese is correct! I've been studying it now for 3 years in
college, but now I'm on a self study journey.

Ok here is how it all started:

I've always been interested in other cultures.. my entire family is very cultured and has traveled to many places. I loved hearing stories from Uncles, and Aunts about their travels overseas and what they learned. I guess this stuck to me and I made it a dream to one day travel myself.

Yes yes that's nice but.. WHY JAPAN?

Japan? it's really good question.. I thought the language sounded the most interesting to me so I began digging deeper and looking into the country itself. I found that I really loved their culture.. yes yes as well as Amine and Drama's. But really it was in High School (my last Junior Year) and there was this exchange student from Japan who had just moved here. I have no reason as to why.. the vice principle picked me to be her guide in school and make her feel welcomed. Tomomi was her name and I will always remember how kind she was to me and how much she wanted to learn about the US. She was the first person to give me mini Japanese lessons and really got me into wanting to further my study once I got to college.

I don't know where she is now or what she is doing but she was a great friend in High School.

So now what?

Well I began my studies in College in 2004.. (although Asian Studies wasn't my major) I then traveled to Japan with my class to study.. as well as go on my own and have crazy adventures in Tokyo. I have awesome friends in Japan and it really helps to have people there you can stay with and go places with!

I came home though and finished up College. Now I'm applying for jobs and making plans to return to Japan!!! I have many options as to what I want to do there, but I like going with the flow so we will see what happens!

So what about your site?

Well I wanted to express myself and my thoughts on Japan so here is the product of that idea.. MY BLOG!!! Although I do not live in Japan I can still share my experiences with you about my time in Japan as well as finding Japan here in the states. I live in both Ohio and NYC where there is a large Japanese community. Anyone in the NYC area can come here and find out what events are going on as well as find good Japanese places to eat ^^ I spent my first month in NYC finding all the nice spots for Japanese food and art. (this was back in 2006)

Hope you guys enjoy! Oh and feel free to contact me at maryagb@gmail.com


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