At the end of this year, Walt Disney Animation Studios will be releasing the 49th animated feature in the Walt Disney Animated Classics. The Princess and the Frog,is also the first 2D-animated film by Disney since 2004's Home on the Range. Here is the preview
At first I wasn't to thrilled about this story because new Orleans doesn't have a princess, and if they were trying to connect with the African American community why not do a story from Africa? After thinking about it though I guess it's fine as they are connecting with the culture and life of New Orleans. Still I'm not sure how well Disney's first black princess will do come opening day.
SPEAKING OF opening day I was checking out the official website found HERE and it says that there will be a limited release in NY & LA on November 25, and then Worldwide release on December 11th. So worldwide means well, worldwide right? well WRONG! turns out this movie will not be hitting Japanese theaters!! My current favorite youtube blogger, Alafia (intro2the1) made a video about the Japan release date for The Princess and the Frog. Take a look.
She makes a great point about the reason WHY there wouldn't be a showing, and that maybe the African American culture and ideas, may not come across too well for the Japanese. Although I have seen that Japanese do like the hip-hop culture which carries an essence of African American culture. (That, though is an entirely different discussion that I would love to get into in another post)
UPDATE: Turns out though there may yet be a date for Japan set for the frog princess. Alafia says that the release date is in the process of being decided. SO well we just have to wait and see!
i hope so
It's being released in Japan the trailer is on Youtube!~
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