EVENT ALERT:[NYC EVENT] SAKURA MATSURI-MAY May 2–May 3, 2009 | 10 a.m.–6 p.m. | Rain or Shine

The other huge event besides the Asian American International Film Festival (which I will blog about later) is the 28th annual Japanese Cherry blossoms festival, in Brooklyn Botanical Garden This year will be my first at this event, which I unfortunately had kept missing year after year.

SAKURA MATSURI will hold over 50 events and performances celebrating Japanese culture and the blossoming of Brooklyn Botanical Garden's 220 cherry trees. (wow that's a lot)
The performances range from traditional Japanese music and dance to concerts by some of Japan's hottest J-pop stars, plus taiko drumming, an anime voice actor panel, bonsai pruning workshops, J-pop DJs, a traditional kimono show, and demonstrations and workshops.

Looking at the list of events during the festival, it seem the performances will take place on May 2nd. Two of the big performances will be by J-pop sensations,
Minami Kizuki and Ai Kawashima Her are videos of both ... just in case you don't know who these ladies are.

Minami Kizuki

Ai Kawashima

For a full list of events and exact times please visit the official website

I'll be sure to take pictures of this event, and post about how awesome it was ;-) Stay tuned and if you are in the NYC area.. THIS IS A MUST SEE EVENT!!!!! GO GO GO!!!


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